IAMME IA! complies with more than 100 criteria, related to an operator’s office management,
product range, international business partners and customer information. The Travelife Partner
level standard is covering the ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility themes, including
environment, biodiversity, human rights, and labour relation.
IAMME IA! participates in the EU-funded SUSTOUR project that aims
to promote sustainability among the European tour operator sector through a business led
approach. The project supports over 600 small and medium-sized enterprises from 35 European
countries in improving their sustainability performance through training, coaching and peer-to-peer
learning opportunities.
Travelife is the leading international sustainability certification for the travel sector. More than 35
national travel associations are promoting the scheme to their members including, SMAL, APAVT,
UHPA, ANVR, ABTA, PATA and more.
Together for a sustainable Tourism – Committed to sustainability
The mission of the company is creating long-life memories, feelings and genuine adventures together with our travellers, melting our cultures and traditions, share the love for our beautiful country respecting the locals and the Earth; in the last few years our company has been focused to reduce the use of the plastic during the tours and in the office, calculate and reduce the CO2 immission, has implemented the use of vehicle transportation and hiking- walking experience and has created a partnership with the local markets to increase the local business.
What we hope to achieve in the future is:
– Make our travellers more responsible and careful when travelling
– Creating a partnership with our suppliers to reach the same objectives like reducing the CO2 immission, minimizing the enviromental impacts
– Training and support the staff to be conscious not only when at work but creating a new lifestyle and point of view
– Prevent the Turism growth that damage the local comminities
– Contribute to a reduction in operational costs increasing the productivity with a more efficient usage of available means.
– Improve the quality of the destination supporting the continuity of the business relationship in a long term plan
– Encourage our clients to choose a sustainable travel option
We want to leave to the next generations a better world, where it will still be possible to travel and explore in the full respect of our land.