What does Iamme Ia! mean? The origin of our name

Iamme Ia!” It’s neither a tongue-twister nor a secret code. It is one of the most famous Neapolitan expressions. Literally meaning “let’s go!” it’s a phrase rich in evocative meaning and nuances that depend on the intonation, embodying the dynamic and enterprising spirit of the Neapolitan people. But why did our online travel agency choose this name to represent itself?  

“Iamme ia” is an exhortation to move, to go forward without hesitation. It’s an invitation to explore and never stop, which are perfect qualities for a travel agency that promotes adventure and the discovery of Campanian territories. With its traditions, customs, timeless art, and unparalleled quality of food, Campania offers endless opportunities for exploration and enjoyment. 

In this article, we will journey through history, culture, and language to better understand how the expression “iamme ia” has become a symbol of dynamism and curiosity. And how it aligns perfectly with our company’s mission to help our clients discover the beauties of the Amalfi Coast and its surroundings.

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What Does “Iamme Ia” Mean? History and Origins of This Expression 

Neapolitan is much more than just one of the many Italian dialects; it has been recognized by UNESCO as a true language. Like other languages, Neapolitan is composed of unique expressions and structures, spoken and understood in those areas of Italy that once formed the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, which today constitutes Southern Italy. In these regions, “iamme ia” is a phrase you might hear in the crowded alleys of the city, in lively squares, or in bustling markets, where energy and frenetic activity are the norm. 

“Iamme ia” is composed of two words. “Iamme” is the verb meaning “let’s go,” derived from “jire,” which means “to go.” “Ia!” is an exclamation that emphasizes urgency and decisiveness, transforming a simple statement into a powerful incitement. 

However, the richness of the Neapolitan language goes even further. As mentioned, in Neapolitan, the intonation of the phrase gives it its meaning. Thus, the expression “e iamme ia!” can convey enthusiasm or boredom, or even be used to comment on an unbelievable situation… it all depends on the context and intonation

If tone is so important in this language, it’s no surprise that Neapolitans are an expressive, dynamic, and complex people.  

In addition to expressing our connection with our territory and culture, by choosing “Iamme Ia” as the name for our online travel agency, we aimed to elevate this expression to a symbol of a dynamic yet welcoming entrepreneurial mindset. 

The expression “iamme ia” is not just a simple phrase, but a true emblem of Neapolitan culture. It reflects the lively and resilient mentality of Neapolitans, and Sorrentini like us, a people who have always faced life’s challenges and history with determination and fighting spirit. 

In daily life, “iamme ia” can be used in multiple contexts, from the mundane to the significant. It can be a prompt to hurry up during a hectic day, an encouragement among friends gearing up to face a challenge, or reassurance for someone hesitating before a change. This versatility makes the expression an integral part of everyday language and the collective psychology of Naples. 

funiculi funicula iamme ia

A simple expression and its cultural significance 

The cultural relevance of “iamme ia” extends to Neapolitan music, cinema, and art. Numerous local singers and artists have incorporated this expression into their works, emphasizing its emotional importance and evocative power. One of the most famous examples of its use in art is the song “Funiculì, Funiculà,” a Neapolitan song written in 1880 by journalist Giuseppe Turco and composed by Luigi Denza. The lyrics were inspired by the inauguration of the first funicular railway on Mount Vesuvius, built in 1879 to reach the summit of the volcano. Through the interpretation by Luciano Pavarotti, an internationally renowned tenor, the song made the expression “iamme ia” famous worldwide. 

Even those unfamiliar with its literal meaning associate the sounds of this expression with Neapolitan culture. It’s incredible how much evocative power two simple words meaning “let’s go” can hold! 

The expression “iamme ia” is an integral part of Neapolitan and Campanian life, capable of bringing people together and conveying a sense of community and shared action. It is for this reason that our travel agency has chosen this expression to represent itself. By reaching out to tourists from all over the world, the name “iamme ia” not only evokes the authenticity and warmth of Neapolitan culture but also serves as an invitation to discover new destinations with the same spirit of enthusiasm and adventure that characterizes Neapolitans.  

And we can say that “Iamme Ia!” brought us luck because in 2024 we’ve celebrated 10 years of activity already! 

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Explore Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast with Iamme Ia! 

Who better to help you navigate this area than Iamme Ia!, your expert companion. Connecting with us is easy. For more information on our tours, to make bookings, or to discuss your upcoming travel plans, please visit our tour pages or contact page on our website. 

If you find yourself wandering the charming streets of Sorrento, feel free to stop by our office at Piazza Torquato Tasso 16, where our friendly staff is eager to help you plan your next unforgettable adventure. As a proud Gray Line licensee, Iamme Ia! has been committed since 2014 to not only showcasing the stunning landscapes and rich culture of the Amalfi Coast but also to providing a narrative that weaves together breathtaking views, diverse experiences, and memorable moments.  

With Iamme Ia!, your journey through Italy will be more than just a visit—it will be a profound engagement with the heart and soul of the region. Let us turn your trip into an experience of a lifetime.